Annually, at REAWAKE, we receive up to 15,000 treasures, for which we passionately seek new homes.

At REAWAKE, authenticity verification is our top priority – whether it's a Hermès handbag or Valentino sneakers. Our experts take the time to meticulously examine each treasure with utmost precision.

The authenticity check begins upon the submission of treasures. We personally know each of our REAWAKE Sell with Us customers. During drop-off, we inquire about the origin of the items: Were they gifts? Were they acquired second-hand? Is the original receipt still available? This personal contact ensures that very few 'fakes,' as they are colloquially known, reach us. If someone intends to deceive, they typically avoid the risk of personal contact and seek more anonymous platforms.

Subsequently, our experts, who possess extensive expertise in high-end fashion, subject the treasures to a thorough examination for all common characteristics.

At our establishment, we adhere to the clear principle:

In Doubt - Sort out. This means that we prefer not to release a treasure for sale if we are not one hundred percent convinced of its authenticity.


Learn more about the brands and how to make sure, your treasure is authentic